If there is one major thing that I have learned whilst being published, especially so young, it is that you have to be your own number one fan and your own publicist because certainly the percentage of other people who will be those things for you is very small.

If you are published, I highly recommend contacting book reviewers online, even if they aren't well known, because this will definitely get your name out there if they do write you a review, and you will have a new fan as well if they are impressed with your book.

I sent my book out to a reviewer a month or so ago and I just received a review from them on their website.  It was the best review I could have ever imagined and definitely kept my hopes up that people will continue to read my book and fall in love with the characters I created, just as much as I myself am in love with them.

To read my review, please click on the link to the left titled "My First Book Review!" or click on the URL below!


My review is the fourth book down, and if you click on the cover photo it will bring you to my author page :)

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    I am the author of the Dystopian novel "Beautiful Nightmare: Some Dreams Become Your Reality".  I also am an author of numerous novels on Wattpad.com.


    September 2013
    July 2013
    June 2013



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