For today's challenge I want you to write a story based around someone who is in a position where they don't want to be, but are stuck for one reason or another.  This is a very vague challenge so the possibilities are endless!  The purpose of this challenge is to become further acquainted with how to create character purpose and drive.  Be sure to fully emphasize as to why your character doesn't want to be in the position that they are in and why they are stuck in the first place.  This is also a good opportunity to create character relationship between two characters.

This is a great opportunity to practice backstory for your characters!

One example of this is when Meg in "Hercules" is on Hates side but she is stuck in that position and is really for Hercules.  

Get writing and break out that creativity!
Today for your writing challenge I want you to write a letter to someone who has left your life but who you didn't particularly get the chance to say goodbye to or have closure with.  You can choose to mail this letter, keep it to yourself, rip it up, or burn it.  That is your choice, but this will give you a chance to let out hidden aggression while also getting used to pouring out feelings in writing.  If you have not yet had anyone leave your life and don't have a real circumstance to write this letter in, you should create a character who has had a person leave their life and write the letter from their point of view.  This will also help you greatly with character development.  
Go write!  
Welcome to the second week of the writing challenge!  Today's challenge will be based!  I want you to do several things for this writing challenge.  First, I want you to write a paragraph about what kind of weather you feel like right now, may it be sunny, cloudy, foggy, etc.  Take this comparison as far as you can go!  This would also be a good time to practice poetry.  
The second part of this writing challenge is to write about yourself from the eyes of someone else.  You can write from the viewpoint of a lover, friend, acquaintance, stranger, any person who you want to, but you need to write about how that person would see you specifically.  I also want you to use a lot of details with this.  This is a great way to gain self confidence with yourself and get to know yourself better.  One option that would be helpful with this writing is to stare at yourself in the mirror for a prolonged period of time and get to know your physical presence better.  This will help you to further see how others view you physically, but I don't want you to just write about your physical aspects.  You should also write about your other characteristics as well.
The last part of this challenge will be for you to write a very short blurb with the first things that come to your mind when you think of yourself.  These things can be positive, negative, or any other type of thought, but you must write down what you think of yourself for a full minute and you cannot leave out any of your thoughts.  This will help you to see how you think of yourself without thinking for a very long time and it will help you to be better acquainted with your mindset.   
Today I want you to get a pen and a piece of paper and just before you start to write I want you to think of the first word or thought that comes into your head.  This will be the basis for your writing today.  Writing about the first thing that comes to your mind will help you to dig deeper into your subconscious and it can be very releasing.  Today's writing can be any desired length that you would like, but try to make it at least a page so that you can continue to exercise your writing skills.  Feel free to post your writing challenges in the comments section at any time as always!  I will read everything that is posted and at the end of each month I will make a shout out to the person who has written the most and really took the challenges to the next level!  Keep writing always!

Today I would like you to pick a random image from Google or another source and I want you to write a short story that explains or revolves around that picture.  This challenge will help you to connect visually with your writing and may even sprout new ideas for future, full length writing!  Have fun with this one and be as creative as you possibly can.  Finding a picture that normally only has one meaning and coming  
You made it to day five of the writing challenge!  Way to go!
Today's writing challenge will be pretty basic and will revolve around the number five.  
In your writing piece for today you should pick five different things.  These things can be anything that your imagination can come up with, may they be names, places, objects, or people.  But in your writing piece you should make all of the five things connect to each other.  One fun thing to do would be to come up with five things that do not work well together and somehow make them all connect.  
Have fun with this piece and feel free to post your writing in the comments area!
Today's writing challenge is to write a piece of writing where two people or beings are leaving each other.  This can be between any two beings that you can imagine and you should try to be as creative as you can and add as many details and as much emotion that you can.  This will help you to work with your imagination and further develop a sense of character making.  Use today to really work your creative muscle!
Today I want you to pretend that you are just a visitor in the room that you are seated in.  You should explain everything that you see and hear and really make observations about the things that you see that most people would not even notice.  This writing passage should give you practice with explaining details and can even spark an idea in you for a future story!
Today's writing challenge might be a little bit more difficult to do in a mental manner.  For today I want you to write down your worst memory or the worst thought that you ever had.  Sometimes getting these negative thoughts and memories onto paper can be the best form of release and when you are done you can even tear up the paper of burn it if need be.  This challenge is good to challenge yourself to write about something that you have been hiding or something that has been plaguing you.  Take this day to really spend time with yourself and your mind and 
Hello all and welcome to day one of my writing challenge!  I will write a writing challenge daily for anyone to follow as they are fun and quick which is always helpful for us writers in our busy lives!  Today's challenge will be basically a warm up and fairly easy.  I am going to list ten different words of which you need to pick three which you will base a small writing piece around.  This piece should be at least two pages and you must write constantly.  Even if you cannot think of anything else to say just keep repeating the same word.  All that matters is that you right constantly for a full two pages.  

Here is the list of words: careful, maiden, taken, bear, box, carnivore, lamp, elevator, cheerful, and confident.

Feel free to post what you have written in the comments area of this blog, I would love to see what you accomplish!

Happy writing!


    I am the author of the Dystopian novel "Beautiful Nightmare: Some Dreams Become Your Reality".  I also am an author of numerous novels on


    July 2013
    June 2013



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