Today you will be creating your fifth subplot!  This subplot should be your most shocking plot.  I want you to create this plot so that is surrounds a character who ties all of the other plots and characters together.  This is a vague description, but please use your imagination to create a very good plot that will be entirely your own idea!

Tomorrow we will be working on the short story!

Write out today's plot in a page or writing or an outline.  

Creative Tip: Instead of just making this plot revolve around an adult, try making it revolve around a child or young adult, or an adult with a disability of some form.  The more outside the lines the better!  This will guide towards a great new idea.
Today you will create your fourth subplot.  This subplot should me more of a minor plot.  This means that it should fit in with the others but it should be a character that isn't as important to the storyline.  This will be good so that if you choose to you can play this character's plot off as not very important and then change their backstory later to show the reader a side of them that will be surprising. 

You can go ahead and write this character's plot now! 

But if you need extra help, you should write this character as a character who is just an average citizen, but one who did not go to college and works 
Today you will be writing your third sub plot.  This plot should be the most important plot because you should design it to connect directly to all of the other plots.  You can do this in several ways, but for example you could have the character that drives this plot be somehow linked to all of the other characters, may it be family relations or just acquaintances.  

I will not give you a guiding plot today, because I want you to really work your imainaiton and come up with something compeltely original!  This will be your ultimate challenge.  

Have fun!  And remember that you should write this plot as a small summary o
Hopefully yesterday you completed your first sub plot and you now know what to do for today!  You will be completing another sub plot.  You can go ahead from here and do that if you would like, or stay tuned for the guidelines if you haven't an idea for this plot.

Today's optional guideline is to create a plot revolving around a child, male or female, who is just beginning to learn the hardships and suffering in the world.  You can decide how they learn this, may it be their parents always fighting and getting divorced, or a more original plot, but I don't want to give too many options because I want you to come up with something original!

Right this sub plot in the form of a page summary or an outline and keep it with the one from yesterday for safe keeping!  

Don't give up!  I have faith in you :)
For the next twenty days we will be working on rather larger writing challenges.  I want to do this since I have given you fairly short and easy writing challenges thus far.  The challenge that we will start today will last for the next five days.

The whole of this challenge will be to create a short story that have five different subplots which all meet up in the end.  This means that you will have to create one new plot each day for the next five days and then on the sixth day you will create your short story.  Therefore, today I want you to either make a plan or write a small piece about your first subplot.  This plot can be anything that you can imagine, but each plot should base around a different character or set of characters.

Get going!
If you are stuck and would like more guidance I would like you to base your first subplot around a character who is making a drastic life change.  This is a vague suggestion, but that will allow you to use your own imagination and invent your plot and characters :)


    I am the author of the Dystopian novel "Beautiful Nightmare: Some Dreams Become Your Reality".  I also am an author of numerous novels on


    July 2013
    June 2013



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